Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Summer Bucket List UPDATE:)

Okay. SO here is the summer bucket list from my post a few months ago.

  1. Finish Online Classes (this is probably the most boring thing on my list...but it has to be done)
  2. Run a half marathon! (June 8th, 2013!!)
  3. Get in shape (i.e. run a half marathon)
  4. Go jet skiing
  5. Get tan
  6. Go to Seven Peaks at least 2X a week
  7. Read 6 (non-text) books. Like real, actual books
  8. Read the New Testament for personal study
  9. Hike the Y three times
  10. Hike Mount Timpanogos during the day
  11. Hike Mount Timpanogos at night!!
  12. Write a blog
  13. Plant a flower garden
  14. Plant a vegetable garden
  15. Go to the zoo
  16. Go camping and make smores!
  17. Have lots of BBQs
  18. Dye my hair (ombre perhaps?)
  19. Go to Lagoon
  20. Go on a road trip (or Boise of course) 
  21. Kiss in the rain
  22. Run in the rain
  23. Find someone to serve everyday
  24. Learn something new
  25. Be money smart
  26. Have a water fight
  27. Go to Stadium of Fire and watch Kelly Clarkson and Carly Rae Jepsen LIVE 
And now for an update...

  • Well I can definitely cross some of these things off. I am going to go ahead and cross off #1. (I ordered my final exam for my last class today and will take it next week so its basically over)
  • #2 is COMPLETE. And that one felt so great. 
  • #3-- Brent and I have been running and walking together most nights. I want to start doing so weights here pretty soon. And also, as of last week, I have started cutting my meals in half because I am 100% guilty of overeating. Basically, I get a normal plate of food and then cut it in half and only eat the first half. Then, if I am still hungry, I go and get the other half. The crazy thing is that I have never still been hungry after only eating half. Crazy, right?? I feel like cutting down on eating is going to do wonders for losing the few pounds of stomach flab. Flat stomach, here I come! :)
  • #4-- Okay, when I wrote this, I had NO IDEA how expensive jet skiing is. Basically its like $150 for one jet ski for just a few I hope that this ends up happening but it might..we'll have to see. I will be accepting donations in case every one is wondering.
  • #5 -- This is also still a work in progress. I have small tan lines and mark my words, they WILL become more visible by the end of summer
  • #6-- okay...Working full time reallly inhibits accomplishing the goal of going to Seven Peaks 2X a week. But, I have gone about 5 times this summer. And plan on going a lot more especially now that my online classes are pretty much done.
  • #7-- I am almost done with my first book! The Great Gatsby. Again, now that my online classes are almost done, I will have a lot more time to get some more books read.
  • #8--I am in the Book of Mark right now and know that I have got to keep truckin' on with this checklist item if I am going to finish.
  • #9-- Brent and I have hiked the Y one time and I am probably going to hike it again later this week. We even might hike up to the top of Y mountain. 
  • #10--We almost did this on the 4th of July, but I freaked out last minute and got scared of being attacked by a bear...(haha I know, silly) and decided I wanted to go with a larger group instead of just the two of us. So before we hike Mt. Timp, we are going to put a bigger group together. Maybe over labor day weekend?
  • #11 -- Again, I'm a wimp. But this is still a goal of mine this summer
  • #12 -- I write a post about once a week or so. I think that means I can cross this one off. :)
  • #13-- I have also planted a flower garden! :) They almost kind of died a few weeks ago, but I have since revived them and they are growing again.
  • #14--We have pulled off FOUR zucchinis from the garden! And there are TONS and TONS of green tomatoes on the plants also. YAY!
  • #15 -- Sadly, we have not gone to the zoo yet. Maybe we'll do that this weekend :)
  • #16 -- This one is only half crossed off. We made delicious yummy smores but no camping yet. 
  • #17 -- We have used the grill SO much and had yummy hamburgers, steaks and chicken. I love BBQing. 
  • #18-- haven't dyed my hair yet, mostly because I can't decide on what color. BUT I have decided that I hate how short my hair is. I want it to be long and I will NEVER cut my hair again. (I cut it back in October and I feel like it is taking forever to grow back)
  • #19 -- Go to Lagoon. This one is going to happen probably toward the end of summer.
  • #20 -- Check! We have made it to Boise once already this summer and are going up again later this month! 
  • #21-- Check :)
  • #22 -- Check! :)
  • #23 -- This one has been a challenge and also a huge blessing. Brent has helped me realize that even the things I used to perceive as mundane and not really an act of service in reality are service-- like cooking dinner, taking on the responsibilities of cleaning the house while Brent has been really busy with school. He expressed to me how he has viewed these as services to him. I have also been looking for opportunities in my ward. For instant, a lot of people are moving and having babies. Last Saturday, I went to help a sister who is 8 month pregnant clean her house. It was really cool and I made a new friend:)
  • #24 -- I LEARNED HOW TO PLAY FLAG FOOTBALL! I guess I should say I am learning. I joined an intramural team and we have had two games already. The first game, I was completely clueless. The second game, we did a lot better! And we have a game this Friday. We have not won a game yet, but we will...or at least we will score a touch down. :) Check!
  • #25 -- I have been so proud of our money decisions this summer. Even though we are making a lot more money than normal because we are both working full time now, we are not going crazy and are sticking to our normal budgets. Go us!
  • #26-- Oh my goodness! I forgot that this one was on my bucket list. I am definitely going to buy some water balloons or something. Brent won't even see it coming. 
  • #27 -- Okay, this one is kind of sad. Tickets were so expensive so we didn't end up going. But that's okay. Our 4th was still really good :)

So I haven't done everything, but there is still plenty of time. I will do another update at the end of the month. Summer is the best.